Review + Live Media: Cartographer, live at de Lakei

CartographerFor me, the surprise of the evening at de Lakei was Dutch based Cartographer: quality progressive / postrock that I haven't heard of until this weekend. Small review + media inside!





As said in the review of Frames at de Lakei, the amount of people that attended this gig was shamefully low. Nevertheless, I was excited by the premise of Cartographer and it didn't disappoint. Playing a combination of progrock / postrock, the five bandmembers are all masters of their instrument with a big shout-out to the drummer. Some classy double-bass kicked in, which is a technique that's not often used in the genre. The combination of prog-rock and postrock was clearly there, but luckily, this fusion sounded great. A lot of progressive bands sound way to fiddly whereas postrock is very tight. The progrock is mostly heard in the slightly different sounding guitars in their postrock melodies, but it borders well as a whole concept.

The sound was crystal clear and the different music segments had enough variation to keep the music interesting during their show. From slow, moving segments to all out force, it's hard to imagine this band is from the same region where I live. Quite possibly the best Postrockband of our small country and I highly recommend you their music. Live, they really nailed the awesome "wall of sound" that only good Postrock-bands can deliver. Listen below to two live tracks and be sure to listen to their album on Bandcamp.

Cartographer - revision

Cartographer - 1704
